Tree planting campaign

[Translate to Englisch:] Baumpflanzaktion

Tree planting campaign

Sustainability as the key to future success.

750 trees were planted to mark the 50th anniversary

We are celebrating our 50th anniversary with a series of events. One of these events took place on Monday, 28 October 2024. More than 40 trainees planted a mixed forest together with the management and in cooperation with the Schutzgemeinschfat Deutscher Wald Landesverband Thüringen e.V. (German Forest Protection Association).

Following the installation of insect hotels at some of our sites last year and the sponsorship of 8 bee colonies at our headquarter in Fulda in April this year, we have now taken the next step towards sustainability: 750 trees have been planted in Schmalkalden to strengthen local forests and promote biodiversity.

The Thüringen regional association of the Schutzgemeinschaft Deutscher Wald (SDW Thüringen) offers various options for preserving forests. We made a donation of 700€ to the organisation at the beginning of the year. Due to the high number of participants - over 50 people in total - a separate date was organised for the tree planting campaign.

As the event took place in Schmalkalden, it was combined with a tour of the FFT site in Schmalkalden. The trainees from Fulda and Mücke arrived together by bus on Monday morning. After a warm welome and a brief presentation of the site by Carsten Zentgraf, Technical Manager in Schmalkalden, the trainees were divided into two groups and given a tour of the site.

In addition to exciting insights into the machinery hall, component assembly was also presented. Here, the trainees were able to experience the processes in the incoming goods department, warehouse, pliers assembly and component production and assembly at first hand.

After lunch together, the group headed to a nearby forest where the tree planting event was taking place. The group was welcomed by Mr. Boss, the project coordinator from the Schutzgemeinschaft Deutscher Wald and the local forester. After a briefing, the participants were divided into small groups and taken to their respective planting sites. The groups planted larch, beech and cherry trees at two metre intervals along a slope.

Together with the managing directors Tristan Pfurr (CEO), Volker Stark (COO) and Hagen Dickert (CFO), the trainees made a valuable contribution to the reforestation and also erected protective fences to protect the young trees.

"It is important to us to make an active contribution to environmental protection", emphasised Tristan Pfurr. "By supporting the Thüringen regional association of the Schutzgemeinschaft Deutscher Wald, we are making the local forests fit for climate change and helping to create healthy ecosystems."

With this campaign, we are setting an example for sustainability and responsibility towards the environment and showing that economic success and ecological awareness can go hand in hand.


Personal contact

[Translate to Englisch:] Janina Dietz

Personal contact

Janina Dietz

Communications Officer
